Personalized Home Decor Mosaic Doodle Canvas Print Personalized Home Decor Mosaic Doodle Canvas Print

Personalized Home Decor Mosaic Doodle Canvas Print


♥We will illustrate your personalized photo with a hand-drawn doodle mosaic pattern backround. Write your desired names and date, or other text.
♥Make it a gift they’ll never forget by adding a personal photo and message

Gallery quality canvas print displays vibrant artwork that is built to last. Printed with HP Latex Inks that are fade resistant. Inks are water based and solvent free so rest assured there are no harsh chemicals in your home. Assembled with 1.25" thick wood frame and glued wood core stretcher bars.

All canvas prints are wrapped and shipped in fitted packaging

• Ready To Hang - Mounting hardware comes attached.

• Leveling Bumpers Included - For wall protection.

• Semi-Gloss Print - Increased vibrancy of artwork.

• Beveled Wood Stretch Bars - Make frame less noticeable on front of canvas.

Industrial Strength Staples - Ensure a tight fit that is sure to last.

Please send "HIGH RESOLUTION " image needed for this photo frame
Please write us Name or Names /Date/Message before or after purchasing.
The higher the resolution, the better. Minimum 500 pixels. If you are unsure if the photo will work, just send it through and we will communicate back to you if it is too small.

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